#trending – The Hottest Looks for 2019
1 February, 2019 by
#trending – The Hottest Looks for 2019
QLM Group, Administrator

The best ways to achieve the INSIDE-OUT phenomenon: What will be trending in 2019? We have searched high and low for the hottest industry, branding and label trends of 2019 and refined them down to to our top nine. Let us know if you’d like to discuss how any of these trends could work for you.

Consumers want to view the actual product they are buying and it is influencing their purchase decisions.
They also want transparency in product claims & explanations.

We used to buy and sell products, now people are looking for an experience, with everything from phones to washing detergent. Create the right experience and people build an affinity for your brand and products. Miss it and off they go.
Thanks to social media, more natural & ‘realistic’ visuals are being used instead of stock images that are now perceived as ‘fake’. What was once considered ‘awkward’ or ‘unprofessional’ is now the norm – what Getty Images calls the “New Naivety”.

Everyone loves a great story – effective design has the power to reinforce your brand in ways that words cannot. Crafting stories that are relevant and interesting must come from the heart and be genuine.

Sustainability is Trending in 2019. Consumers and manufactures are doing to do their part to be responsible through sustainable business practices and environmentally friendly processes and products.
Consumers want to view the actual product they are buying and it is influencing their purchase decisions. They also want transparency in product claims & explanations.

The good news is you don’t need to hire George Clooney! The bad news is you won’t get to choose WHO validates your brand. People are validating YOUR brand with reviews, images and videos.

Personalisation & customisation are moving past the era of names & sports teams to tailored products & packaging that tap into particular needs. Engagement reflects our need to be noticed & appreciated.
Typography is often a neglected part of the design process. Amazing Typography highlights great designs but can also be the star! Be mindful that done poorly it looks amateurish rather than stylish.

Discover more trends in 2020 - Click here